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JUICE-JAPAN Proceedings

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JANUS : Jovis, Amorum ac Natorum Undique Scrutator, ASI, Italy

MAJIS:Moon and Jupitor Imaging Spectrometer, CNES, France

USV : UV Imaging Spectrograph, NASA, USA

SWI : Submilimeter wave Instrument , DLR, Germany

GALA : GAnymede Laser Altimeter, DLR, Germany

RIME : Radar for Icy Moons Exploration, ASI, Italy

J-MAG : Magnetometer, UKSA, UK

PEP/JNA : Particle Environment Package / Jovian Neutrals Analyzer, SNSA, Sweden

RPWI : Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation, SNSA,Sweden 

3GM : Gravity & Geophysics of Jupiter and Galilean Moons, ASI,Italy

PRIDE (*) Planetary Radio Interferometer & Doppler Experiment, NWO&NSO,The Netherland


JUpiter ICy moons Explorer, is an international spacecraft exploration to the Jovian system, led by ESA (European Space Agency) with participation of 23 countries.







JUICE (en)/ UK Space Agency (UKSA)




ISAS News 


JUICE mission-Current status of the JUICE JAPAN
Yoshifumi Saito

Feb, 2023  ISAS News Contents(NO.503) PDF:3MB page5 (ja)

JUICE Mission

Yoshifumi Saito,
Jun, 2021 ISAS News Contents (No.483) PDF:5MB page 1〜3(ja)

Jun, 2021 ISAS News Contents(EN) 

Ganymede Laser Altimeter (GALA) for the JUICE Mission

Keigo Enya,
Oct, 2020年 ISAS News Contents (No.475) PDF:3MB page 6(ja)

JUICE mission-Current status of the JUICE JAPAN

Yoshifumi Saito,
Jun, 2020 ISAS News Contents (No.471) PDF:2MB page 4(ja)

JUICE's Science Instruments

Yoshifumi Saito,
Jan, 2018 ISAS News Contents (No.442) PDF:5MB page 4(ja)

BepiColombo to JUICE: JUICE's Scientific Goal

Yoshifumi Saito,
Aug, 2017 ISAS News Contents (No.437)PDF:5MB page 4(ja)

JUICE Pre-Project Update

Yoshifumi Saito,
Apr, 2017 JAXA ISAS News Contents (No.433)PDF:5MB Page 4(ja)

Back to Jupiter, with

Back to Jupiter,
with renovated interest in the system and fresh focus on the icy moons 
Science for future Jupiter .. Saturn

Future explorations of Jupiter and Saturn


2: Internal structure of giant icy satellite, origins of ambient magnetic field and metal core

J. Kimura, (2012)
Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 21, Issue. 1(PDF)ja

1: about"Future explorations of Jupiter and Saturn"

Jun Kimura, Akira Sasaki, Masaki Fujimoto, Yasumasa Kasaba, (2011)
Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 20, No 4,(PDF)ja


6: 〜Jupiter Icy moons explorer, Successfully launched

Sekine Yasuhito, Saito Yoshifumi, Fujimoto Masaki, JUICE-Japan team

Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 32, Issue. 2 (ja) 

5: The Ganymede laser altimeter (GALA): Discovery of the worlds of ice and underground oceans

Enya. K., J. Kimura, M. Kobayashi, H. Araki, H. Noda, N. Namiki, S. Oshigami, K. Ishibashi, K. Tohara, Y.Saito, H. Hussmann, JUICE/GALA team (2016),

Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 29, Issue. 3 (ja)

4: Toward the flight of ‘Radio and Plasma Wave Instruments’

JUICE-RPWI Japan Team / Yasumasa Kasaba, Hiroaki Misawa, Fuminori Tsuchiya, Yoshiya Kasahara, Tomohiko Imachi, Tomoki Kimura, Yuto Katoh, Atsuhi Kumamoto, Hirotsugu Kojima, Satoshi Yagitani, Mitsunori Ozaki, Keigo Ishisaka, Chihiro Tao, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Takumi ABE, Baptiste Cecconi, Rinko Morooka, Jan-Erik Wahlund - Issue 3, 2016

Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 25, Issue. 3 (ja)

3: Energetic neutral atom analyzer PEP/JNA

JUICE-PEP/JNA Japan Team / Kazushi Asamura, Yoshifumi Futaana, Yoshizumi Miyoshi, Takeshi Sakanoi, Yoshifumi Saito, Manabu Shimoyama - Issue 2, 2015

Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 24, Issue. 2 (ja)


2: Challenges of the JUICE-SWI (Sub-millimetre Wave Instrument)

JUICE-SWI Japan Team / Yasuko Kasai, Hideo Sagawa, Yasuhito Sekine, Takeshi Kuroda, Kenichi Kikuchi, Toshiyuki Nishibori, Takeshi Manabe - Issue 2. 2014

Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 23, Issue. 2 (ja)

1: Jupiter system exploration mission "JUICE" as the mission by mankind

Jun Kimura, Sho Sasaki, Masaki Fujimoto - Issue 3, 2013

Planetary People - The Japanese Society for Planetary Sciences Vol. 22, Issue. 3(ja)

GALA CHIBA Institute of technology

GALA Updates


3: First Delivering of Development Model

Masaki Kobayashi,

Oct. 2018 Researchers' blog of PERC, Chiba Institute of Technology(ja)

2: Testing Sensitivity of APD Modules

Masaki Kobayashi, 
Mar. 2017 Researchers' blog of PERC, Chiba Institute of Technology (ja)

1: Testing APD Modules

Masaki Kobayashi, 
Jun.2016 Researchers' blog of PERC, Chiba Institute of Technology (ja)

RPWI- NEWS/blog-Tohoku univ.



欧 木星・氷衛星探査機 JUICE  PRWIのアンテナ伸展へ [現予定: 日本時間 2023/4/24夜]

2023-04-18  Tohoku University PPARC

欧 木星・氷衛星探査機 JUICE 打ち上げ迫る(ja)

2023-04-02  Tohoku University PPARC

欧木星探査機JUICE 近況: システム熱真空試験と宇宙研ニュース(ja)

Yasumasa Kasaba
2021-06-26  Tohoku University PPARC

欧木星探査機JUICE RPWI HF (高周波レシーバ) 最終の欧州出荷(ja)

Yasumasa Kasaba
2020-11-27  Tohoku University PPARC

AUSTRIA GRAZ出張:欧木星探査機JUICE / RPWI 全体チーム会合(ja)

Yasumasa Kasaba
Tohoku University PPARC

"プレイヤーインタビュー"on 次期国際協力大型ミッションJUICE Japan Web(ja)

笠羽 康正
Tohoku University PPARC

スウェーデン ウプサラの夏(ja)

Yasumasa Kasaba
Tohoku University PPARC

Web Article

Web Article

JUICE related excerpt

Vol.39 木星のカフェラテと塩

Yasuhito Sekine

November 15, 2023

Vol.32 木星系氷衛星惑星探査機 - JUICE打ち上げ雑話

Yasuhito Sekine

April 20, 2023 Mitsubishi Electric, DSPACE (ja)

Vol.11 漂う冥王星の海 

Sasuhito Sekine
July15, 2021 Mitsubishi Electric, DSPACE (ja)

Vol.10 ガリレオの名を持つ月たちの話

Sasuhito Sekine
Jun 17, 2021 Mitsubishi Electric, DSPACE(ja)

Vol. 8 オーシャン ワールド 太陽系外側の多様な海の世界

Sasuhito Sekine
Apr 14, 2021 Mitsubishi Electric, DSPACE(ja)

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